Facial cosmetic surgery has come a long way since its humble beginnings. The advancement in technology alone has provided the industry with a much broader range of facial surgical options. We offer a variety of facial surgery and rejuvenation procedures that will enhance the natural beauty of your face. Talk to the doctor during your initial consultation about your goals for facial rejuvenation.


A Facelift (Rhytidectomy) is a surgical procedure designed to smooth and firm the skin, providing a fresh, youthful appearance. Throughout one’s life, the sun’s radiation, stress, gravity, and other factors cause the skin to sag and fit more loosely. Areas of the face and neck, in particular around the jaw line, are especially prone to the aging process. Though these changes are gradual, wrinkles and other signs of aging can make individuals “feel older” than they really are.

Surgery for a facelift involves the contraction and realignment of facial and neck skin, and in some instances the removal of excess fat deposits. A facelift is often performed in combination with other facial cosmetic procedures and can be performed any time signs of aging begin to appear. However, patients are generally in their forties or older when they elect to undergo this procedure.

Chin and Cheek Implants

High cheekbones and a strong jaw line have long had a history of allure. Along with the eyes, the cheekbones and jaw line form the most photogenic aspects of the face. Chin and cheek implants are a great way to enhance a facial profile by improving the overall proportion and balance of the face. With chin implants (mentoplasty), the symmetry of the face can be shaped and contoured. Cheek implants (malarplasty), also known as malar (high cheek) or submalar (low cheek) augmentation, can add fullness and definition to the face. Utilizing permanent chin and cheek implants can provide a rejuvenated, youthful facial profile.

Ear Surgery

Surgery of the ear, also known as otoplasty, is a procedure that helps reduce protrusion of the ear away from the head. Most often, ear surgery is performed on children between the ages of four to fourteen. Ears that “stick out” are often the source of teasing and ridicule in young children. This teasing can have a devastating effect on the child’s psyche.

Otoplasty is not limited to children and may also be performed on older patients. Cosmetic procedures are available for those individuals with large ears and for those with congenital (birth) irregularities that detract from their appearance. Additionally, an individual’s ears may exhibit abnormal traits due to their genetic make-up or an accidental injury, such as losing an ear or part of an ear. Otoplasty is used successfully for each of these situations. Regardless of the procedure, patients have been pleased with the long-lasting improvements to their appearance offered by ear surgery.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery (known as blepharoplasty) is a corrective procedure that can reduce dark circles or “bags” under the eyes, remove excess wrinkles, and provide a more youthful appearance to the eyes. One of the first things noticed about a person is their eyes. During the aging process, wrinkles, lines, and puffiness contribute to a tired or aged appearance. The blepharoplasty surgery is often performed in conjunction with other facial procedures such as a face lift or rhinoplasty (nose surgery).

Nose Surgery

Nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) is a procedure to reshape the nose in order to create a more pleasing look and, in some instances, to correct severe breathing problems. With approximately 400,000 operations performed each year, rhinoplasty is considered the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States. Rhinoplasty usually involves reducing the size of the nose by removing and sculpting the nasal tissues in order to enhance the facial appearance. The results are unique to each individual, and depend upon such factors as skin condition and thickness, nasal and facial structure, genetic contributions, and age. Traditionally, a “nose job” was performed only to correct major problems. However, recent surgical innovations allow for individuals to benefit from more moderate improvements from the procedure as well. In general, having nose surgery provides the patient with a better facial balance and overall appearance.


Browlift, also known as a forehead lift, reduces the wrinkle lines that develop horizontally across the forehead, as well as those that occur on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes, improves frown lines, the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows, raises sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids and places the eyebrows in an alert and youthful position.

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